Season 3, Episode 4: Benjamin & Abraham Leonard

Ben Leonard has been a dear friend of mine for over 20 years. He and I served in ministry together, lived next door to each other, and cared for each other in both good and bad seasons. If you are a pastor and you have one friend like Ben Leonard, you are truly blessed.

This particular podcast is even more encouraging because Ben brought is oldest son, Abraham into the conversation. Abraham has been called into gospel ministry and talking with him about his heart for the lost and his love for the church was deeply heartening. If more young men like Abraham are headed to ministry soon, the church will be well served indeed. Whether you are new to ministry or have been serving the church for a long time, this podcast will be helpful. Be sure to like the podcast and leave a review!


Season 3, Episode 5: Aaron Wojnicki


Season 3, Episode 2: Dr. John Greever