
Welcome to “The Minister’s Ordinary Conversation,” a podcast dedicated to equipping and encouraging pastors to be theologians for the good of their churches and the glory of God.

I have been thinking about doing this for a long time. I wrote my dissertation on Charles Spurgeon as a pastor-theologian. My research into his life and ministry convinced me that 1) the pastor-theologian ministry model is right and best, and 2) almost no one today wants that kind of ministry in their church.

The purpose of this podcast is to encourage pastors to be Spurgeon-like theologians in their churches, thus the title: The MInister’s Ordinary Conversation.

The title comes from a chapter in Spurgeon’s Lectures to My Students wherein he encourages his students to carry themselves in a particular manner as they generally engage society. Six of his principles serve my aims in this program, and I want to share them with you in this short introduction.

1. Be Normal

2. Be Pastoral

3. Be Social

4. Be Cheerful

5. Be Gentle

6. Be Theological

Each podcast will deal with one or more of these headings, and I will review and recommend books or other resources that will prayerfully equip and encourage you as you go.


Episode 1