2023 Book Recommendations

As a Pastor-Theologian, I believe that reading is an important part of our spiritual development. It can help us gain knowledge and understanding, as well as provide us with an opportunity to grow in our character. For this reason, I have compiled a list of books that I think every Christian could read. Not every book is written by a Christian author, but they all have something valuable to offer to each reader. Whether you are looking for a new perspective on or just want to explore different genres of writing, this list will provide you with plenty of options.

1.           Where Prayer Becomes Real by Kyle Strobel & John Coe

2.          From Strength to Strength by Arthur Brooks

3.          Things Unseen by J. Gresham Machen

4.          Deep Discipleship by J.T. English

5.          Common Callings and Ordinary Virtues by Brent Waters

6.          Terms of Service by Chris Martin

7.           The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing by Jonathan Pennington

8.          Redemptive Kingdom Diversity by Jarvis Williams

9.          The Power of Regret by Daniel Pink

10.      Be Thou My Vision by Jonathan Gibson


I would also encourage you to read Austin Carty’s piece for Christianity Today entitled “Go Ahead, Waste Your Time Reading.” He is speaking mainly to pastors, but everyone can be encouraged by the article.


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